Online video storage is not reliable. Websites may shut down or cease to function. Here are the steps to back up your social media presence on your laptop.
My personal story isn't very long. I was born, went to school, worked, labored, finally achieved something online.. However, it does include several traumatic moments when I thought my life was done. One of these was when my personal computer at home went silent... After some tweaking, getting new desktops and shifting the drive from one to the next, I was finally able to restore all the work stored on the drive. It took me three days of sweating, figuratively crying... I've learned one thing. It is possible to automate or manually backup my day's work using Dropbox and my personal ftp servers so nothing can ever be lost.
It's certainly not the best solution.. You will have to pay more for maintaining your online data store. It's very simple and seems safe. It's also easy to access and downloadable from any location with internet access. What about those times where internet access isn't available? ytmp4 youtube video downloader These are the times when I am glad having my laptop with me. It is my final safe harbor for backups. There are two drives on it and one for each HDD. This lets them copy one another and assures that one copy will remain in the event of a failure. I copy only data there to ensure that my laptop won't fail.
A few months ago, another major day of sorrow was. I'm careful not lose the work I've done. As I mentioned I've now copied the entire document many times and am able to access it whenever the internet is available. This post was not about Periscope. I was a frequent user several years ago as well as this summer during the riots, I participated in a few live streams.. All of an sudden Periscope TV is closing, and all videos will be gone in a two weeks. What do I do? I'm required to download all the videos and save them to my computer. These are dear to me. This was the last time I had a night out with my friend.
The site I am using is one I regularly visit and it allows me to download videos from Youtube, Instagram and Facebook among other places that contain most of my live streams. I am fascinated by politics and underground movements. So I film many live events, then save certain ones for later and publish some on YouTube. Each time I complete live, I save it into my laptop. This is how I do it. This lets me cross-post videos to multiple platforms. Not only can I share YouTube videos on Facebook, but I can also upload that video directly onto Facebook. It's a separate video. It's astonishing how many live feeds I've made over the last eight years. I now have three TB. It's not like I'm losing my Periscope lives.. And this site is very helpful to me.
It's like magic. The video I would like to save on Periscope or Youtube is displayed. I then copy the URL using the share button. Then , I visit the site for downloading videos and paste the link to where they want it, click the big button, and within seconds I see multiple options to download the video. I save it to my laptop or desktop, to transfer it across different platforms, and then save it for the loved ones. Periscope isn't available on every site.

If you aren't aware, the Windows copy command is a great tool to place such fragments together to create a standard length video file. This is because of the format used by video to create the fragments: MpegTS, also known as transport stream. It has all the information required for video decoding in each fragment. Each stream is started from the middle without interruption. The browser also protects data by downloading 360 x 10 second videos. It only downloads streams you're currently watching. The user will get 3-4 fragments of the 25-second stretch and 1-2 following fragments depending on how long it continues to watch the stream. It reduces the amount of download required to watch the stream in 25 seconds.